In Poland there is a long tradition of organizing off-site seminars. The seminar “Functional Analysis in Tatra” is co-organized by Section of Differential Equations of the University of Warsaw and Department of Optimization and Control of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. As usually, our seminar will be held in a small village in the Polish Tatra Mountains. It will be dedicated to various topics on broadly understood Analysis, with the emphasis on Calculus of Variations, Optimization, Partial Differential Equations, functional analysis, harmonic analysis.

The current seminar is the twelfth in a series focused on different areas of mathematics (Sobolev Inequalities (2005), Maximum Principles (2006), Calculus of Variations (2007), Differential Inclusions (2008), Inequalities (2010), Nonlinearities (2013), Singular PDEs, Analytical Tools and Applications (2015), Nonlocal PDEs (2017), Function Spaces and PDEs (2019), Analysis in Tatra (2022 and 2023)). Our meeting will have the style of a traditional seminar. Every day there will be a time slot devoted to discussions, scientific cooperation and evening lectures. We plan 30 minute talks with 5 minute discussion. There will be also a poster session and Ph.D. students are encouraged to present their results. Specialists from various fields, especially young researchers and Ph.D. students, are warmly welcome.
Agnieszka Kałamajska, University of Warsaw, Poland, kalamajs [at] mimuw [dot] edu [dot] pl
Anna Ochal, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, anna [dot] ochal [at] uj [dot] edu [dot] pl
Marta Szumańska, University of Warsaw, Poland, mszumans [at] mimuw [dot] edu [dot] pl
Teresa Radice (guest organizer), Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy, teresa [dot] radice [at] unina [dot] it

In case of questions please contact us by e-mails.

Schedule of the seminar in the pdf file

The recommended accommodation is guesthouse U Ani, Małe Ciche 77B, 34-531 Murzasichle, phone: (+48) 663 637 041, e-mail:
There you can also order meals.

In our recommended place, accommodation and meals (berakfasts and dinners) cost 760 PLN in a single room or 500 PLN in a double room.

Please, be prepared for lower level of accommodation than in the hotel or high quality pension.

Seminar: September 8-12, 2024 (arrival day: September 8 Sunday in the evening, departure day: September 12 Thursday after lunch)

Registration deadline: September 1, 2024
Abstract submission: September 1, 2024

Payment is to be made in Polish zlotys directly to the owner of the hostel.
In our recommended place, you will obtain the invoice.

Please fill-in the registration form. Registration deadline is September 1, 2024.

Abstracts can be prepared according to the following template
Latex template
Pdf file
and sent by mail to anna [dot] ochal [at] uj [dot] edu [dot] pl